Pat’s Self-Esteem Prayer


Heavenly Father,


Let me see myself as You see me.

Let me accept myself as You accept me.

Let me value myself as You value me.


Let me see my doubts as opportunities for growing in faith.

Let me see my fears as opportunities for growing in courage.

Let me see my mistakes as opportunities for growing in wisdom.

Let me see my weaknesses as opportunities for growing in strength.

Let me see my periods of grief as opportunities for growing in empathy.

Let me see my bouts of depression as opportunities for growing in hope.


Let me see my feelings of inadequacy as opportunities for humility.

Let me see my losses as opportunities to appreciate all that I already have.

Let me see my instances of being put down as opportunities to pull myself up.

Let me see my brushes with death as opportunities to value everyday life.

Let me see my struggles as opportunities to strive toward success.


Let me choose to like my body and maintain it well—even with its imperfections.

Let me choose to focus on my actions and not dwell on the actions of others.

Let me choose to nurture my soul—and appreciate the souls of others.

Let me choose to view health challenges with compassion and grace.

Let me choose to seek counsel when I am lost or in need of help.

Let me choose to acknowledge it’s ok to express my emotions.


Let me forgive myself as You forgive me.

Let me celebrate myself as You celebrate me.

Let me love myself as You love me.

