Discussion Questions

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  1. Why did the author start the book describing two part-time jobs she had before working in the auto industry?
  1. Pat sometimes worked with people who did not want her to be there.
    a. How did Pat respond to these people?
    b. Why did she choose to work in places where she wasn’t wanted?
    c. Have you ever worked with people who didn’t want you to be there? If yes, explain.
  1. Pat describes various bosses as well as their strengths and weaknesses.
    a. Which boss did you like the best? Why?
    b. Which boss did you like the least? Why?
  1. Give an example where some work or experience she had in the past helped Pat in her current assignment or situation.
  1. What story in the book reminded you of a situation you faced?
  1. What was your favorite story? Why?
  1. What are some of the book’s themes?
  1. Pat occasionally references “the still, small voice.”
    a. What “still, small voice” occasion in the book did you find most memorable?
    b. How does Pat’s relationship with God affect her life and her work?
    c. Can you recall a time when you listened to the “still, small voice”?
  1. Pat’s definition of success is accomplishing God’s real purpose for your life. Do you agree?
  1. Explain how work-life balance and Pat’s relationship with Jon, Joe, and Jean play a key part in the book.
  1. What spousal characteristics make it easier to pursue a career?
  1. Pat differentiates between mentors and sponsors. Why are sponsors more important than mentors?
  1. Pat enjoyed doing what others considered to be nearly impossible. Which was the most difficult situation you think she tackled?
  1. Each chapter ends with “Pearls from Pat.”
    a. Which Pearls did you find most interesting?
    b. Were there any lessons that you learned from the stories that were not included in the “Pearls from Pat”?
    c. Did you disagree with any advice that Pat gave?
  1. What insight about the auto industry did you get from reading this book that you didn’t already know?
  1. Name one leadership idea or story that you remember from the book.
  1. Were you ever an unintentional role model?
  1. Was there any part of the book that you wanted to share with someone else? Why?
  1. Who is the target audience for this book?
  1. What does the title of the book mean?